Roughly 47% of American adults have had personal information stolen and exposed by cybercriminals. It doesn’t help that over half of them have received at least one online scam offer in their lives. These dangers don’t stop at home, though. 

In fact, your business data is just as vulnerable to cybercrime. This is largely in part due to the potential of human error. A commercial firewall can only do so much to protect your data when an employee falls victim to email phishing scams. 

Here are five benefits of managed services for your company’s IT needs. 

1. Improved Data Security

The first and most important reason to use managed IT services is what they can do for your data protection. Not only is it difficult to keep your software up to date, but it’s also a struggle for most businesses to stay on top of changes in the realm of cybersecurity. 

Your managed service provider can help you implement the best network security solutions for your operation. They can also audit your company to find your weak areas and what needs improvement. 

2. Cut Costs

Utilizing a managed services provider can actually help your business save money in the long run. If you have an in-house IT team, you may be faced with unexpected expenses and problems you’ll need to handle on your own. However, your service provider only requires an annual or monthly payment for full coverage. 

There shouldn’t be any hidden costs, and protecting your network can also prevent future downtime. 

3. Tech Scalability

One problem businesses may face as they grow is scaling their technology. It can be challenging for your IT department to adjust to a thriving company and its growing needs. 

Instead of investing thousands of dollars into your own department, you could always adjust the plan with your service provider. You won’t have to spend time or resources hiring and training new workers for the task. 

4. Minimized Downtime

Downtime can happen to your company due to any number of problems, such as equipment issues, data problems, or even hacking attempts. The best way to reduce your downtime is by developing a recovery plan with your managed service provider’s help. 

This may include creating data backups, training your employees, and running routine audits. 

5. Data Compliance Support

Data compliance is important for all businesses, but especially for those that deal with sensitive information. For example, a law firm must comply with all data regulations in both their state and country. IT support companies can make sure that they stay compliant and protect their clients at the same time. 

Don’t Ignore the Benefits of Managed Services

The benefits of managed services aren’t always as obvious as other investments. Where they really shine is in preventing problems from popping up and dealing with the ones that do. They’re also very handy for any company making a big transition or change. 

Inception Network Strategies provides support for small businesses in the middle Tennessee area. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help your business survive and thrive.