Did you know that 85% of all organizations have been hit by phishing attacks? But what is phishing exactly? It is a type of scam that leads individuals or companies to give out their personal information by impersonating legitimate companies.

Every company is at risk of getting hit with a phishing scam, so it is necessary to take precautionary measures. Read on to learn about how to avoid phishing easily.

Know the Phishing Techniques

The best thing you can do to know how to avoid phishing is to stay up to date about the most common techniques. The latest phishing scams may be different than they were just a month ago as new techniques are being developed all of the time. When you don’t stay on top of this, you are more likely to fall prey to one.

You can find this information by checking the news. It is also essential that your IT services have the proper security training that includes recognizing phishing scams. Keeping security a priority is necessary.

Think Before Clicking

Knowing how to stop phishing involves not clicking on links that look sketchy. These links are phishing examples that may appear on emails, instant messages, and websites. If you are on a trusted site, you shouldn’t have to worry about a phishing scam.

If you aren’t sure if a link can be trusted, however over it to see if they will lead you where you are supposed to be led. This is an important habit to maintain because even phishing scams seem realistic. You may receive an email that looks like it is from a legitimate company, but there are a few factors to watch out for.

If you get an email from a company you think you can trust – check to see if the email contains your name. Often, phishing scams will begin with “Dear Customer”. They will also try to persuade you to fill out personal information.

If you can’t tell if a link or message can be trusted, go straight to the source.

Keep Your Browser Up to Date

It is important to know how to identify phishing, but you should also be keeping your browser up to date. This is important as security patches get released for many browsers. You need these updates because they are a response to security loopholes that phishers and hackers find and use.

Use the Right Software

IT services can help you find the right software for your business. You should always be using antivirus software to avoid phishing scams.

This software can help guard technology from known loopholes and workarounds that cybercriminals may use. Similar to browsers, it is essential to keep your software up to date.

How to Avoid Phishing Explained

The best tip on how to avoid phishing is to stay aware of all the techniques that are being out there. When you have a great IT staff working for you, they can keep your browser and software up to date to put you less at risk. Don’t let a phishing scam cost you your company.

If your business needs assistance with security protocols, contact us for hassle-free IT services.