Did you know that there are over 48,000 different viruses and malware that intruders can use to gain access to your computers? It’s true. Your computer, laptops included, is incredibly susceptible to these cyber threats. 

So how do you protect your laptop from intruders? Are there actionable steps you can take to make sure your laptop security is up to par?

Fortunately, yes. In this article, we’ll be looking at 7 tips for laptop security that’s sure to keep your laptop safe and secure. Read on to find out more!

1. Update Your Antivirus Software

If you’ve owned a laptop, chances are you’ve installed some sort of antivirus software. Those that haven’t should look to do so immediately. 

Once you have your antivirus software set up, make sure you’re updating it regularly. Make sure that it’s compatible with your OS and that it has all the features you need.

2. Whitelisting

Whitelisting is a process by which certain applications are allowed to run while others are blocked. Whitelisting applications is an excellent way of blocking certain apps from running on your laptop.

As a laptop security measure, whitelisting can do things like stopping your banking app to run while you’re at an unsecured WiFi location, such as a coffee shop. It’s a sort of hands-free cybersecurity practice. 

3. Remove Unnecessary Apps

If your computer is filled with apps or programs that you never use, it’s a good idea to get rid of them. Not only does it save space on your hard drive, but it also prevents hackers from accessing dormant apps and accounts. 

4. Research Phishing and Ransomware

A common piece of cybersecurity advice is doing your due diligence on cyberattack terminology. As such, knowing more about phishing and ransomware is key if you want to protect yourself from those attacks.

It’ll provide you with a better framework on how hackers plan cyberattacks. That way you’ll know how to better protect your laptop from malicious malware and phishing practices.

5. Purchase VPN

Virtual Private Network devices are worth having if you often find yourself at local cafes or coffee shops, and you tend to use their WiFi networks a lot. It encrypts your data, making it harder for hackers to gain access. 

Much like antivirus programs, make sure you’re getting a VPN that fits your needs. You should stay away from free or cheaper VPNs. 

6. Password Managers

While this may be more of general cybersecurity advice, it’s still a valuable piece of laptop safety. Password managers create unique and strong passwords that make it hard for hackers to get into your systems.

It also tracks your passwords in a safe location. That way you won’t have to remember every unique password for your accounts. 

7. Isolate the Machine

If you have incredibly sensitive information on your laptop, such as data related to your work, then you can isolate it from the internet altogether. This might seem a little extreme, but it certainly works.

Keeping it offline will prevent anyone from hacking into your laptop. As long as you keep the machine in a safe place, this should work for just about anyone.

Understanding Laptop Security

Laptop security can be tough if you’re traveling around all the time with your device. Use this guide to understand the best laptop maintenance and safety tips!

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